Saturday, June 28, 2025, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: East Field, 7509 E. Broad Street SW, Pataskala, OH US 43062
Calling all car and vehicle enthusiasts! Tri-Village's Java Drive-In will take place on Saturday, June 28, 8am-noon (rain or shine). You don't even need to register ahead of time, just show up that morning if you have a vehicle you'd like to show! This free event will feature old and new vehicles as well as a coffee truck. Awards will be announced at 11am. (Note: No alcohol, smoking, language, and/or tobacco products will be permitted on church property.)
Car categories:
Top 10 Classic Era (1995 and Older)
Top 10 Modern Era (1996 and Newer)
Pastor's Choice
Kids Spectator's Choice (17 & Under)
Adults Spectator's Choice (18 & Older)
Car Show Participants' Choice
Best of Show
Questions? Contact:
Michael Henry (
; 740-877-0135) or Danny Shull (
Tri-Village is not responsible for accidents, theft, or damages that occur during the event. All participants and spectators are asked to act responsibly including no burnouts or reckless driving during this family event.